The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Lifeguard Class

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Lifeguard Class

Finding the appropriate lifeguard class is an important first step for someone who wants to become a certified lifeguard. This ultimate guide will walk you through everything you need to know in order to choose the best lifeguarding course that aligns with American Lifeguards Association (ALA) standards and offerings whether you’re just starting out, or looking for recertification.

When Is the Best Time to Take a Lifeguard Class Near Me?

The best time to take a lifeguard class near me is largely dependent on personal schedule availability, local seasonality factors and preparedness levels. Typically, it would be most ideal to enroll in a lifeguard training course during spring or early summer when aquatic activities are at their peak, demand for such services are high and there also exist many opportunities for employment within this field.

You should complete your training by this time so that before busy months like those filled with vacations on beaches or visits at water parks come by; pools already have enough guards staffed up who can save lives if need be! Also, most places offer flexible schedules including weekend classes as well evening ones which could suit students and people who work other jobs best therefore finding one should not be difficult.

Why Is Lifeguard Certification Important?

Lifeguard certification goes beyond being just another piece of paper that shows what someone knows how do; it proves them capable of keeping others safe while responding appropriately during emergencies in any given aquatic setting.

Certified individuals have been taught life-saving techniques aimed towards minimizing harm caused by drowning incidents among other things related to water rescuing skills sets such as CPR which stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation along side recognition skills needed when faced with such situations plus basic first aid knowledge too! A certificate from institutions recognized nationally like ALA ensures industry readiness by equipping graduates with necessary competences relevant real world crisis management scenarios will require them respond effectively without panicking unnecessarily.

What Should I Look For In A Lifeguard Class?

Accreditation and Reputation

The course should be accredited by an established organization. American Lifeguards Association is known for its high standards and rigorous training programs, making their certification highly valuable in the job market.

Course Content

A good lifeguarding class will teach you all these important skills:

Water Rescue Techniques: How to save someone who is drowning or in other distress situations while swimming.

CPR and First Aid: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), which helps keep oxygen flowing through the body after breathing has stopped; first aid basics like bandaging wounds etc., until professional medical help arrives.

Emergency Response: Proper ways of responding during different types of emergencies such as spinal injuries, heart attacks among others that may occur within aquatic environment where one works as a guard.

Swimming Skills: Being able to swim proficiently enough so that when duty calls, he/she can quickly reach any part of the pool without struggling too much on his way there against strong currents caused by wave action beneath surface waters which could slow down response time considerably thus endangering people’s lives further if not taken into account early enough during such moments;

Use Of Lifesaving Equipment: Knowledge about appropriate usage methods relating rescue tubes, backboards etc., which are commonly used equipments necessary for saving lives within this profession among others included under here as well.

ALA courses do cover these areas comprehensively hence ensuring participants have adequate understanding regarding them.

Instructor Qualifications

An instructor with extensive experience both as a lifeguard themselves but also teaching others how to become certified guards would offer best training services possible therefore look out for classes taught by such tutors.

Class Format And Schedule

Find out what format(s) each potential program offers – whether it’s blended learning (online plus some face-to-face); traditional classroom only; or solely online – then select whichever suits your preferences best given personal circumstances like work commitments alongside preferred pace at which one would like go through content covered during instruction time.

Location And Facilities

Choose somewhere easily accessible with good facilities such as a pool where hands-on training can take place. Partnering with various aquatic centers nationwide means that finding one close by shouldn’t be hard according to ALA so make use of this opportunity while making your decision.


Cost is an important factor to consider but not the only one. Though there may be cheaper alternatives, bear in mind that quality training is an investment in your future. ALA courses are priced competitively and represent excellent value given the breadth of education and certification provided.

Reviews and Testimonials

Read reviews and testimonials from past participants. Positive feedback and high success rates are indicators of a good program. Many satisfied ALA students have gone on to become lifeguards.

Steps to Enroll in the Right Lifeguard Class

Step One: Research

The first step is to research different programs for lifeguard training. Visit the ALA site which will provide you with all kinds of information about what they offer and how each course works.

Step Two: Evaluate Your Needs

Evaluate where you’re at right now in terms of skill level, availability throughout the week as well as long-term goals within this career path – Do I need certification or am I looking for recertification? Would it be better if were taught online or would I prefer attending physical classes? Taking these factors into consideration should help make choosing easier.

Step Three: Compare Programs

Compare various programs based off what’s been said above; look for accreditation status alongside experienced instructors who use a wide array of teaching methods while covering many different aspects related to water safety such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillator (AED) usage etcetera…

Also try finding reviews online since people generally give honest opinions about their experiences which could save time otherwise wasted going through something subpar then having regret later down line when finding out other places were better options overall due being more reputable amongst students who graduated from there already…

Step Four: Sign Up

Once confident enough after following all previous steps proceed with signing up onto chosen class through either phone call/email/webform submission – However process happens make sure everything needed gets provided right away in order not cause unnecessary delays or mix-ups up. ALA has made this part extremely simple thanks its user-friendly nature plus being completed entirely online without having physically go anywhere so long internet connection available at time desired registering takes place; also ensure all necessary documents are prepared alongside fulfilling prerequisites like taking swimming test showing ability stay afloat treading water minimum set period.

Step Five: Get Ready

Get ready for when course starts by going through any materials that may have been given beforehand while getting familiarised with basics related to swimming and rescue techniques – Having some level of physical fitness crucial hence consider doing regular exercises such as endurance training which involves lots laps around pool each week until able complete specific number them without feeling tired or out breath.

Step Six: Attend & Be Involved

Attend every single session being held during duration this particular program participating actively throughout each one – There’s no point signing oneself up if aren’t willing devote wholeheartedly towards it since halfheartedness breeds failure; engage with fellow classmates as well instructors asking questions whenever something doesn’t make sense then practicing hard afterwards till perfect achieved because practical skills can only truly be learnt via hands-on experience coupled repetition over time.

Step Seven: Satisfy Certification Requirements

Satisfaction comes after successfully passing written examination together with relevant practical tests such as swimming rescues before officially becoming certified lifeguard themselves – bear mind though that certificates will only remain valid within specified date range therefore adequate planning ought undertaken order recertify where necessary upon expiry notice received.

Benefits of American Lifeguard Association (ALA)

Recognition in Industry

ALA is recognized nationwide among employers hence its certification could potentially enable someone gain employment various settings including pools, beaches, water parks etcetera.

Training That’s Thorough

An ALA lifeguard course offers wider coverage beyond just basic life-saving skills; advanced methods used saving lives taught alongside emergency response plans made leaders able handle different real-life scenarios better than before.

Support Throughout

Continuous back-up systems put place by ALA facilitate those who’ve already been trained as lifeguards – They can always come back for refresher programs or even updates relating current standards industry best practices all times need arises.

Community Participation & Networking

With ALA one joins community experts concerned about safety around water bodies, making new friends among other professionals also guards same beliefs might offer advice further career development opportunities their level expertise surpasses ours considerably.


A very important step is choosing a lifeguard class. You should also ensure that you select an accredited and comprehensive training program provided by the American Lifeguard Association (ALA) which could suit all your needs well enough since they are flexible with their schedules too. To make a good decision for yourself about where or how to train, consider things such as what qualifications does this teacher have?

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